
Tuesday 4 October 2011

Mince Your Meat With A Meat Grinder

If you are the kind of family that consumes a lot of meat then you should seriously consider getting yourself a meat grinder.  This is an appliance that is used to make mincemeat. The device mashes the meat and cuts it up into very tiny pieces. This is  a very handy device to have in your kitchen because mincemeat is easier to cook and there is a lot more that you can do with  ground meat.

The meat grinder was first developed in the nineteenth century and has been in use since then. The early meat grinders were  manually operated. You can still get manually operated grinders but if you plan on processing a large amount of meat then it  is a better idea to get an automated meat grinder. The meat is put into the device from a funnel like opening at the top. The  meat is then grounded pounded so that it becomes soft and tender.

This is also the point at which you add the seasonings and spices that you want. The spices will also get pounded and release  all of their flavour. Once the meat has been properly mashed it goes through the meat slicer which cuts it into tiny little  pieces. Thus the resulting meat is soft, seasoned and easy to cook. In fact all you have to do is give it the appropriate  amount of heat to cook and then you’re done. Your food is ready.

A meat grinder is also sometimes referred to as a meat processor. You get different size plates so that you have some control  over how fine the minced meat is. If you only plan on using the grinder occasionally then a small manually operated grinder  is perfect for your use. If you eat a lot of meat or need the grinder for commercial use then you will need a larger  automated unit.

You can buy the meat in advance. Ask the butcher to chop up the pieces into manageable pieces and you are ready to grid meat.  You can try different spices to see how they influence the flavour of the meat. You can freeze the mincemeat for future use  of use it to make hamburgers. Meals made out of mincemeat are a great addition for any picnic basket. You can purchase a meat  grinder from your nearest appliance store or order one online. You might getter a better deal on the internet.


Melissa Thomas said...

The value of the home meat grinder mostly relies upon its power to slice meat including the quantity of energy it consumes to do so. Though such type of handy grinders are out there in market at incredibly moderately inexpensive values.
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